First we have this song. It's not a party song, but it's my favorite Christmas song, so I'm going to post it anyway.
Also, I want to share this parody of the twelve days of Christmas. I admit that it isn't really a party song either, but not a lot of Christmas songs are! This song mentions all the things that go wrong with Christmas. Personally, I think I agree the most with 12, but I can relate to most of them.
I previously posted about the song Party Rock and this is a Christmas version of this song. I knew it was out there, but it wasn't very easy to find on YouTube. And it was even harder to post it here.
Lastly, is another altered 12 days of Christmas. Who would want half this junk? Eh, I'm posting it because I want this bizarre song out there. Would you want to receive any of this stuff?
Well, that's the list of Christmas songs I wanted to share with you. I hope you enjoyed that!!