Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Party - After

Remember my last post? [Christmas Party - Before] Well, now I would like to tell you how the party went. It was ... interesting to say the least. I go to many parties, but they can still surprise me. I guess that is because I don't always know all the people there. I guess the word I was looking for in my last post was romantic. The Christmas parties generally seem to be more of a take your date sort of thing. This Christmas Party was quite the exception. And the music was impressive. I'm use to a different kind of music, but this was no slow mistletoe tunes.There was a lot of interaction among the guests and lots of games being played. I got around to playing most of them. Some brought a Christmas version of Chutes and Ladders, there was Candy Canes for Ladders and a chimney for chutes. Going down was more fun than going up. I was jumping down those chimneys like Santa Claus, and on Christmas Eve of all time!
A Christmas version of Chutes and Ladders only with candy canes and chimneys instead of Ladders and Chutes.
At close to the beginning of the party we all decorated the Christmas Tree that was in the room. I don't know the the host had to get such a prickly tree! (At least it wasn't aluminium and it was good size.) Nearing the end of the party I started wondering if maybe there wasn't enough couples to have the traditional Christmas Party, so they put on a singles party. I'd go either way.


  1. Are you taking English with your Math class? There is something wrong with something in your bottom part.

  2. No I'm not. Next semester I'm just planning on taking the next level math, but I haven't signed up for anything yet.
