Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year, 2015!!!

First, I would just like to be one of the first people to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR! Or maybe the first person to wish you that if you weren't parting at midnight like I was. What's nice about the new year is that it is a universal holiday, everyone celebrates it. It means that there are more parties than Christmas or Easter. Halloween is pretty hefty on its parties, though. In the spring, sense colleges don't have a homecoming or a prom I have to look to find a party to replace the one that I lack. What's nice about proms is that someone going can ask someone else to go with them that isn't in there school. Like me!

Happy 2015! It's about 12:00 AM in New York City right now; though 2015 doesn't reach Denver, CO for a few more hours. I'm glad to be at this party and wouldn't wish to anywhere else or to be anyone else. Later today I'll post how the party went, but so far it is going great! I'm looking forward to the new year!! GO 2015!!!

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